Recent content by Jokero20

  1. J

    [AD] RisenMu S2 Exp: 15x Drop: 30%

    About RisenMU An old school muonline season 2 server for everyone who likes to play hard and fair. Our promises are to bring you a stable and secure gameplay server. We also promise that there will not be any webshop or any options that you can buy items in game, although there will be...
  2. J

    [AD] GoldenMu 97d99i Exp: 60x Drop: 70%

    there is no client for download... is removed.
  3. J

    [AD] SacrificeMu S2 Exp: 80x Drop: 40%

    * CryWolf Event - WORKS * Castle Siege - WORKS * Maya Event - WORKS * Kantru Event - WORKS * Chaos Castle Event - WORKS * White Wizard Event - WORKS * Blood Castle Event - WORKS * Devil Square Event - WORKS * Kalima Event - WORKS* GAME DON'T WORKS :))
  4. J

    [AD] Asgarth MuOnline S3 Exp: 7x Drop: 10%

    Server - Fun PVP Exp - 7x Drops - 10% Resets - Disabled Auto Pick - Allowed Webshop - No Double Exp BC/DS/CC - On Spots - All Maps Gambler - On Illusion Temple - On Arena - Full Monsters Server Rates : Excellent Items Drop Rate - 12% Jewel of Soul Rate = 75% / +Luck 90% Jewel...
  5. J

    [AD] MuOptiVise 97d99i Exp: 40x Drop: 30%

    Why this sv don't work???