Recent content by DemonuMu

  1. DemonuMu

    [AD] DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 30x Drop 20% Grand Opening 15/3/2025

    Update Server V.1.1 [News] New graphics in the game V2 ! (HOT!) [News] I modified the /add command (HOT!) I modified the /addstr command example /str 1000 /agi 1000 /vit 1000 /ene 1000 All Credits nelson25 for these premium files
  2. DemonuMu

    [AD] MU 50X 97D

  3. DemonuMu

    [AD] DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 30x Drop 20% Grand Opening 15/3/2025

    Update Server V.0.9 [News] Upgrade DemonuMu Client V13 OFF ! (HOT!) New Client Coming Soon -GAME SERVER - Fix at Dorados - Fix Ware Password - Fix Level Up Real - Fix Agility - Fix Optimize Ram - Fix Duration Skill Defense and Skill Attack - Fix Close Time 1 Decond -MAIN97D - Fix Arches -...
  4. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    It's a useless event, it's the last time I'll use it,has strange problems with drop I tested your settings.
  5. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    at 1 minute event I get credits too easily,That means it doesn't make sense, you don't work,this event doesn't really make sense, it's really useless
  6. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    I discovered 2 new bugs, is there no way to fix them? drop item kriss,,Another bug I found today is that you don't get any rewards.that is, this event becomes useless because it has these strange problems
  7. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Hello, has anyone managed to fix these 2 big problems at Sky Event ? you have the function to set the time but after 1 minute or 2 minutes the monsters disappear and don't appear again the same old problem, the reward drops, this item kriss,which of course is not set to drop but still something...
  8. DemonuMu

    [AD] DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 30x Drop 20% Grand Opening 15/3/2025

    Update Server V.0.8 [News] Chaos Goblin Machine V2 ! (HOT!) Chaos Goblin Machine: Jewel Of Soul FailRate: 1% Jewel Of Soul WithLuck SuccessRate: 1% Jewel Of Life FailRate: 45% 1LevelWingsSuccessRate: 99% 2LevelWingsSuccessRate: 99% Item +10 success: 99% DinorantSuccessRate: 99% Item +11...
  9. DemonuMu

    [AD] DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 30x Drop 20% Grand Opening 15/3/2025

    Update Server V.0.7 [News] Custom ItemDropRate V3 ! (HOT!) Play With Custom ItemDropRate after 1 hour in the game It depends on how lucky you are in the game DemonuMu officially opens in 4 days
  10. DemonuMu

    [AD] WinterMu.NET 0.97k 200x 35%

    32 minutes to start hacking in the game, the best player to cheat
  11. DemonuMu

    [AD] DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 30x Drop 20% Grand Opening 15/3/2025

    [News] Basic information about DemonuMu! (HOT!) Grand Opening of the server fresh start join [15.3.2025 Time Romania 09:00 AM] Shop Potion Girl Lorencia+Stadium have in shop wings lvl 1 no option or luck Character protection 32767 you have reached the maximum points on Strength VipSystem...
  12. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    I explained, if you had looked carefully, I fixed the problem,but thanks for the help
  13. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    i need help BloodCastle Reward how to modify Box of Kundun to drop because in the settings you have this code: ItemGroup = 14/ItemIndex = 14/if you look at the code from Box of Kundun they all start with 14 and 11 ? so how do I make the change because you need the third code,to get the...
  14. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 0.99.60/62T (1.0M) Beta 15

    am facut teste peste teste aceasi problema,am sters si manual ODBC sa fie curat am repornit odbc cel din muserver care este oferit de bro DarkMaster clar ceva nu merge bine tot merge perfect doar ca EventServer refuza sa mearga...ceva pe partea de compatibilitate nu merge cum trebuie si aici nu...
  15. DemonuMu

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 0.99.60/62T (1.0M) Beta 15

    O să refac testul mâine dacă am timp