Recent content by bnc

  1. B

    [Release] Pinkof AntiCheats

    check my last post in this thread.. (chuckle) LATEST
  2. B

    [Release] Pinkof AntiCheats

    JUST FYI: New GameGuard by Pinkof
  3. B

    [Help] Website Crash

    Xaxaxax. Not the website engine (php) is your fault. You need mpm worker for apache - OR - a proxy server to make your mu secure and website stable. Dont you have proxy server? I accept paypal ;D Write me muonline[at]gbence[dot]com
  4. B

    [Help] Vote Ranking

    zomfg. he can be noob, but u are fawkin noober, coz u CANT do that so ;Đ handicap - learn about php+mssql scripting, get a decoded source, then start reading. have fun! :)
  5. B

    [Release] InfinityMu Season 3 Episode 1 Server Files

    NO THAT FILES NEVER USED BY InfinityMu guy, get a life n fuk yourself. Close/Delete that topic and ban that noob.
  6. B

    [Release] InfinityMu Season 3 Episode 1 Server Files

    Ok - I talked with owned of InfinityMU, and he said, thats FAKE!
  7. B

    [Release] InfinityMu Season 3 Episode 1 Server Files

    Strange.. :P Your connect server are reported as virus, so I uploaded it to novirus and virustotal, here is the reports:
  8. B

    [Release] Attention's Website

    MuWeb + 0.01% Customization 1/10 from me.
  9. B

    [Release] MuCore Web 1.0.6

    damn. PHPCore != Master ;I
  10. B

    [Release] MuOnline Quest System

  11. B

    [Release] ForestWeb v5.0

    damn.. ioncube encrypted. decrypt it or fck you.