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  • Hello admin. First let me apologize for my very bad English. I am Vietnamese. I am using DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3. I don't know why you didn't continue this work. But I really hope you will continue to release updates to perfect this server. I'm just a normal person, but I will try to support the costs to receive a complete update for the game. Thank you, wish you and your loved ones always be happy.
    Hi DarkMaster
    can i have your email/skype or something ?
    i would like to talk something with you
    Hi DarkMaster,
    I am very grateful to you for all the effort you have put into this amazing Mu Online game.
    I love your 97d+99i files and I hope you continue to update your 97d+99i server files.
    I say goodbye carefully, and once again thank you for so much.
    HI Darkmaster
    I am from China, I like your program very much. I'm trying to translate it into Chinese. and We found that the move command could not be translated into Chinese, Can you help me write a program that can customize the move Syntax? Thanks
    This is the version of the program I'm translating.

    (DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3)
    DarksTeam MuServer 0.99.60/62T (1.0M) Beta 15
    Имате ли роднинска връзка с Волдеморт?

    Името не ми говори нищо.

    Здравей и на теб! А с проф. Снейп ?
    hi DarkMaster can you help me im set up 99b server thanks :)
    im using SQL 2008 for server 99b and when i start the server gameserver.exe is crashing
    здрасти , имам няколко въпроса относно твойте сървър файлове 97d+99i най напреде искам да те питам как да добавя 3d camera и как да създам launcher за този клиент който влизам през main.exe защото съм с локално IP за момент да оправя първо така настройките и след това да го пусна public ! Благодаря ти предварително . Поздрави !
    Hi DarkMaster
    can i have your email/skype or something ?
    i would like to talk something with you

    You can private message me here.
    i ask you if you can put me more futures in your 97d files
    with money :)
    here is the list what i would like if you can do it
    1.when you press M to move like 1.0M
    2.add in game /pickup soul,bless,life,blue feather
    3.monster hp level
    4.customs maps maybe?
    5.Also checksum fully working IF
    6.maybe /offattack
    just let me know if you can do it..
    thank you
    ps: if you do this i will never share them, only keep them for me.
    Hello, I would like to ask you a question:

    Can you add new wings to your 97d99i files and some new events?

    I would like to have a totally premium version of those files.
    Dark Master Hi , excuse me please , can you tell me please , how it is work Golden Archer on your server 97d-99i beta 42, manny thanks.
    Added Golden Archer system
    You can exchange x amount of Stones for a specific item (ie Jewels).
    ok thank you but how i can find hem , it s Event or what , i try to find him but it imposible. Thank you very much.last question.
    Hello DarkMaster , I have one problem ,my server is still online all time but some time players want to login and when he put account and password and press ENTER the Screen stoped and can't Login, and after some time 30min/1h he can login, maybe you can help me ? can be problem in join server?
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